Our policies are available exclusively through UK brokers
Custom insurance for custom motors
Our SCV product aims to cover those vehicles that just won’t conform to traditional products. Modified vehicles for commercial use, the quirkier the better.
Joking aside, we also insure emergency vehicles, mobile media centres, specialist loads and forklift trucks.

Our Specialist Commercial Vehicle features and benefits
Our Specialist Commercial Vehicle appetite
Vehicle appetite
Vehicles modified from standard including Tuk Tuks, all vehicle weights considered and bespoke builds, electric considered
Client profile
Drivers aged 25 to 75 (but will consider all ages upon referral)
All levels of claims history considered
All driver history considered
Situation appetite
Specialist use types, including:
- Catering
- Emergency and Rescue (green and blue light)
- Non-Road Registered
- Specialist Types
- Marketing Exhibition and Retail
- Specialist & Hazardous Loads
- Specialist Driver Tuition
Specialist Commercial Vehicle documents
Document type
Policy documents
Are you looking for Specialist Commercial Vehicle insurance?
The fastest way to trade our Specialist Commercial Vehicle product is via ERS eTrade. Register for eTrade today.
For complex risks contact us on 0345 600 3893.
Your Commercial Motor support network

Scott Tillbrook
Head of Commercial Motor, Agriculture & Bespoke Personal Motor
James Mann
Product Manager, Commercial Motor
Katie Furzer
Senior Underwriter
Peter King
Harriet Ackland