Our policies are available exclusively through UK brokers
The hands-on approach
There’s no tinkering around when it comes to underwriting collections of classic vehicles. Each collection is individually assessed to make sure the right cover is provided for every motor.
Collections of 5 or more vehicles benefit from the expertise of a dedicated underwriting team with an appetite for complex risks. We’ve even insured a transport museum.

Our Classic & Supercar Collections features and benefits

Our Classic & Supercar Collections appetite
Vehicle appetite
Supercars, hypercars, classic cars and every day vehicles
Either one vehicle within the collection must be valued over £75,000 or Collection is mainly Classic Cars
NEW JLR models as part of a 2+ car collection (additional vehicle must be worth £50,000+): Including Range Rover, Discovery and Defender, registered from 2019 and with inbuilt security enabled. No additional after market immobiliser or tracker required.
Client profile
Drivers aged 18+ (subject to experience and vehicle type) apart from those with unemployed occupational status
Flexible on driving restrictions for Collections
Situation appetite
Vehicle or owner based in the UK
Vehicle must be stored in a private garage/locked building, driveway or professional storage facility
All UK postcode areas (subject to vehicle storage and security requirements and risk profile)
All cover basis; SDP, commuting, business use incl. occasional wedding hire
From ‘laid up’ (Accidental Damage Fire and Theft only) to comprehensive
Vehicles can be stored at multiple locations (subject to appropriate security)
Classic & Supercar Collections documents
Document type
Policy documents
Are you looking for specialist Classic & Supercar Collections insurance?
Manual underwriting
For collections of five or more vehicles, contact 0330 0539 157 or email
Your Personal Motor support network

Scott Tillbrook
Head of Commercial Motor, Agriculture & Bespoke Personal Motor
Annie Ward
Product Manager
Gary Tuppen
Senior Underwriter
Sam Prever
Regional Trading Underwriter, South
Mark Suffield
Regional Trading Underwriter, Midlands
Jim Neild
Regional Trading Underwriter, North
Stephen Howells
Business Development Support Executive
Stuart Rose
Mike Davies
Jodie Carter
Lydia McCarthy

Chris Trayner
Imogen Smith

Shannon Holland
Ceri Jenkins

Claire Chadbund
Team Leader, Claims
Melanie Sloot
Claims Handler, Prestige
Tom Jones
Claims Handler, Prestige
Kian Hearn
Claims Handler
Craig Callum
Claims EngineerMarketing