Our policies are available exclusively through UK brokers
It’s personal – we get it
When your client has poured their heart into buying, building, restoring or modifying their vehicle, they need cover that reflects its true value.
Classic cars and campers, electric conversions and kit cars can be insured from bonnet to boot with our enthusiast insurance cover.

Our Enthusiast appetite
Vehicle appetite
Classic car
Vehicles with a value over £2,000 and with no upper value limit
Electric Vehicle Conversions
Collectible cars (at least 20 years old, unless highly collectible e.g. Morgans) that are not the sole vehicle or used daily
Classic commercial or military vehicles
Vehicle Collections
Modified car
Vehicles with a value over £2,000 and with no upper value limit
Electric Vehicle Conversions
Modified ‘Enthusiast’ Cars/Vans, with at least three road-legal modifications (cosmetic or performance enhancing)
Modified Vans will be considered subject to acceptable use/occupation, with at least three modifications (e.g. lifestyle vehicles, day-vans/campers - no registered motorhomes). No business use/carriage of own goods use or building trade occupations
Imported ‘Enthusiast’ vehicles (incl. Left Hand Drive) considered, subject to age/experience/use
Kit car
Vehicles with a value over £2,000 and with no upper value limit
Electric Vehicle Conversions
Kit built and replica cars
Client profile
Drivers aged 17 to 85
Claim free risks through to those with multiple claims and/or single large losses
All drivers experience and history considered
Situation profile
Vehicle or owner based in the UK
Vehicle must be stored in a private garage/locked building, driveway or professional storage facility
All UK postcode considered (subject to vehicle storage and security requirements and risk profile)
All basis of cover ("laid-up" Accidental Damage, Fire & Theft through to Comprehensive)
SD&P, commuting, business use, occasional wedding hire use
Company/Organisation proposers
Enthusiast documents
Document type
Policy documents
Are you looking for specialist Enthusiast motor insurance?
The fastest way to trade our Enthusiast product is via ERS eTrade. Register for eTrade today.
Manual underwriting
For complex risks contact our team today on 0345 602 5801 or email
Your Personal Motor support network

Scott Tillbrook
Head of Commercial Motor, Agriculture & Bespoke Personal Motor
Annie Ward
Product Manager
Gary Tuppen
Senior Underwriter
Sam Prever
Regional Trading Underwriter, South
Mark Suffield
Regional Trading Underwriter, Midlands
Jim Neild
Regional Trading Underwriter, North
Stephen Howells
Business Development Support Executive
Stuart Rose
Mike Davies
Jodie Carter
Lydia McCarthy

Chris Trayner
Imogen Smith

Shannon Holland
Ceri Jenkins

Claire Chadbund
Team Leader, Claims
Melanie Sloot
Claims Handler, Prestige
Tom Jones
Claims Handler, Prestige
Kian Hearn
Claims Handler
Craig Callum
Claims EngineerMarketing