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We’ve just finished ERS on Tour 2018, covering 5 locations from London to Glasgow and met hundreds of brokers who have listened to our views on the motor market, what we expect in 2018 and what’s new for 2019.

Whilst I meet brokers almost every day, the Tour has been a great opportunity for me to hear the views of our brokers in a really condensed format. Although I know many of them well from the past, the specialist nature of our products means that I have been able to meet many new brokers and to hear about their business and how they work with ERS.

Each event kicked off with a short video that showcases a lot of what we have achieved with brokers in 2018 – everything from our digital investments with Insurer Hosted Pricing, Data Enrichment and eTrade, to our broker events at the London Classic Car Show, Goodwood and fun at BIBA with #ERSrides. Times have changed though, as the marketing team call it a ‘sizzle’ and not a video. Whatever you call it, I think it’s great - it really portrays the energy and passion that exists in our business.


A key message to our brokers is our belief there is real value to an agency with ERS

Being a specialist motor insurer, the majority of our brokers focus on one of our many specialised products. Their markets are typically represented by a small number of providers including MGA’s. For most customers, dealing with a reliable, financial secure market that understands these segments is vital – and ERS has become the go-to insurer for specialist risks.

There are many high quality, personal and commercial brokers for which ERS will most likely not be the largest insurer they deal with, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be a valued partner. For those out of the ordinary or unusual risks, brokers might feel like they are asking for a favour from more mainstream insurers. Our message is simple, the unusual risks are our bread and butter and we thrive on them (here’s Alan Bradbury, our Enthusiast Underwriter talking about the buzz he gets from underwriting imports and modified vehicles). So, save your favours and place business with an insurer like ERS who have the expertise to both underwrite and deal with claims for the less vanilla risks.

Our underwriting and claims capabilities are what makes us the number one specialist motor insurer in the UK.

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