Bloghead Showmans

It’s beginning to look a lot like... sunshine, and we all know what bank holidays and sunshine means… funfairs

Showmen across the UK are getting their travelling shows cleaned, repaired and ready to get on the road to entertain thousands of visitors in local parks and attractions ready for a fun family day out.

From riding the carousel and bumper cars to stalls where you can buy candyfloss or win giant cuddly toys, for many families visiting these fairs are an annual tradition. Similar to the Showman’s themselves the fairs have been part of their families for generations.

For these family run businesses, this equipment is their livelihoods and because it’s such a seasonal business, they travel from town to town and can cover thousands of miles in a very short space of time.

Mitul Malkan, ERS product manager for Specialist Commercial Vehicles explains “At ERS, we understand how important it is to get these businesses the right type of cover to ensure they get to their destinations swiftly and safely, which is why our showman’s product has been written specifically for the motor needs of these travelling shows”

Our specialist Showman’s motor insurance cover includes:

• Any driver cover offered
• Multiple vehicles on one policy
• Third party property damage up to £5,000,000
• Any vehicle weight considered
• Available for modified vehicles

Give our team a call if you have an opportunity you would like to discuss 0345 600 3893 /

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