Natasha Patient

Can you tell us about your journey to ERS? How did you find yourself working in insurance?

Before joining ERS, I graduated from Exeter University in 2019 with a degree in Geography. After years of studying, I really wanted to travel and one highlight was spending a ski season in France, working as a chalet host, which I absolutely loved. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic cut my adventure short.

During lockdown, I had time to think about my future and realised I wanted to be more intentional with my career. I wanted to use my Geography skills, which led me to the insurance industry. The idea of managing risks and helping people in tough times really appealed to me.

I started at a car insurance start-up in customer operations, but quickly got drawn to underwriting. I loved the mix of analytics and decision-making. After gaining some experience, I was ready for a bigger challenge, so I applied for the underwriting role in the commercial motor team. I'm excited to learn more and grow in this new role!

What was your impression of ERS before you were offered a role?

From my previous experience working in the motor insurance market, I knew ERS had a solid reputation. My research into ERS during the recruitment process showed a long history that made them a trusted name in the market.

How have your eight months with us been? What does a typical day look like for you?

From the very first day, I felt welcomed by everyone and found it easy to fit in. Even though my team is split between London and Swansea, collaboration is easy because everyone is so friendly and supportive of each other. I’ve visited the Swansea office, and my colleagues come to London frequently, which has helped us stay close-knit despite the distance.

Having come from a car insurance background, I found it an easy transition into commercial motor insurance, although I quickly learned there are plenty of differences. For example, our Special Commercial Vehicle product is unique, covering everything from dog grooming vans to ice cream trucks, mobile bars, and even mobile libraries. I’m also working closely with some very experienced colleagues; I’m learning a lot and really appreciate their guidance.

On a typical day, I’m busy reviewing and issuing rates for new business quotes, mid-term adjustments, and renewals. I’m also diving into a new challenge: engaging with brokers. This is a fresh experience, pushing me to develop my skills as I talk with brokers about rates, risk appetites, and finding the best solutions for their clients. Outside of work, I’m also working on my diploma, and I really appreciate the support ERS is giving me on this journey.

We put a lot of effort into building strong relationships with brokers. What has been your experience with this so far?

In my team, each underwriter is partnered with specific brokers which enables us to build close relationships with them. I’m in regular communication with my brokers, having daily interactions and meetings, which has really helped strengthen those relationships and ensure we’re providing the best service possible.

In my first few months here, a broker event was held at the office, which was a great opportunity for me to meet many of the brokers I work with face-to-face. I’m looking forward to my first broker visit next month and am also excited about taking brokers on an exclusive tour of the Leyland Factory in October which gives us an opportunity to really understand some of the vehicles we insure.

What do you get up to outside of work?

I’m really into sports and am a strong advocate for women enjoying and succeeding in any area of sport. I love skiing and try to hit the slopes as much as possible during the winter months. I’m also passionate about hockey, playing to a high level and captaining my team in the England Hockey National League. When I’m not on the slopes or the hockey field, I enjoy relaxing with friends, especially if it involves a sunny day out.

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